Manganese line re-opened | Infrastructure news

The Fieldview – Kamfersdam section of the Manganese export rail line has now been re-opened.

About 1, 5km of railway tracks was submerged following abnormally high levels of rainfall in January 2011. Transnet Freight Rail (TFR) then halted operations on this stretch of the line diverting all traffic to the McFarlane – Kamfersdam line. This however had a negative impact on rail efficiencies adding three hours to train turnaround times.

Transnet Freight Rail’s Manganese Export line, which runs from the mines in Hotazel to the export facility in Port Elizabeth, runs through Kamfersdam.

For Transnet, the successful completion of this project has decreased the travelling times for trains on its Iron Ore – Manganese Export line, boosting efficiencies and productivity significantly. As a result, the number of trains running on the line has increased from 18 to 24 per day.

TFR and the Sol Plaatjie Municipality co-funded the restoration project with both entities contributing R74 million and R18 million respectively. Work commenced in June 2011 and was completed in December 2013. The restoration entailed construction of a pipeline running between Kamfersdam and Langleg Pan in Kimberly, while the line was raised by 700mm to eliminate any future risks of flooding.

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