Nigeria and China sign multi-billion dollar contract | Infrastructure news

A landmark construction contract to build a railway along the coast of Africa’s most populous country was signed by Nigeria and China recently.

The US$11.97 billion contract, to be executed by China Railway Construction Corporation Ltd (CRCC), is noted as China’s single largest overseas contract project.

The coastal 22-stop railway, which will stretch for 1 402 kilometres, will link Nigeria’s economic capital Lagos in the west with Calabar in the east.

As the trains will travel at a top speed of 120 km per hour, Nigerians are hoping the project will usher in economic developments at a higher speed. Apart from that, the project will create up to 200 000 local jobs, directly or indirectly, while up to 30 000 fixed job posts may also be provided when the railway is operational.

Expectations are high that the project will create a window of opportunities resulting in fruitful economic developments in the states which the construction will pass through, and Nigeria at large.

“This is part of the transformation agenda of President Goodluck Jonathan for this country,” Nigeria’s Minister of Transport Idris Umar said while describing the project, as a green and efficient transportation mode.

Citizens of the West African country are optimistic that, given the strategic location of the project, better times lie ahead for them, noting, in the long run, the economic activities which will take place from Lagos to Calabar will play a more significant role in Africa.


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