New converter feeds renewable energy back into grid | Infrastructure news

Engineering researchers have invented a novel electrical power converter system that simultaneously accepts power from a variety of energy sources and converts it for use in the electrical grid system.

University of Arkansas doctoral student Joseph Carr developed the system with his adviser, Juan Balda, University Professor and head of the department of electrical engineering.

The availability and use of renewable energy sources, such as solar, geothermal and wind, and their associated harvesting systems increase the need for new power converters that can efficiently convert diverse energy sources to work across modern electrical grid systems.

Current renewable energy conversion systems are bulky, inefficient and struggle to accept multiple inputs from diverse sources.

The researchers’ high-frequency matrix converter addresses these shortcomings. Its simplified control system uses power converters to allow connection of a variety of power sources to a small, high-frequency transformer.

Then, using a high-frequency matrix converter, it produces stable electricity ready to be supplied to the electrical grid system.

The research, sponsored by the United States Department of Energy was pursued and granted a U.S. patent for the technology and is now seeking licensing opportunities for potential commercialisation.

“It is very gratifying when doctoral students who invest many hours working on various research ideas are rewarded with a patent,” Balda said. “At the same time, it is an indication of research work that several faculty members and their students are doing in the field of future energy systems.”


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