Water shortage warning issued for Gauteng | Infrastructure news

Rand Water has called on all residents to use water sparingly as persistent high temperatures in the utility’s area of supply continue to strain its bulk water supply system.

According to Rand Water the lack of rainfall in Gauteng is exacerbating the situation.

“The high water demand will cause localised problems in the City of Johannesburg, City of Tshwane and the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality,” says Rand Water spokesman Justice Mohale.

In a bid to raise awareness and prevent a problem residents are urged to use the following water saving tips.

Water saving tips

  1. Do not water the garden
  2. Avoid washing cars if possible or wash using a bucket water instead of a hose pipe
  3. Do not fill swimming pools
  4. Do not leave the tap running when brushing your teeth or for any other activities
  5. A 2 minute shower is better that bathing in a bath tub
  6. Instead of washing clothes everyday with half load, wash every alternate day with a full load
  7. When washing vegetables, wash them in a dish, instead of washing vegetables under running water
  8. Read your meter on a daily basis to ensure there are no internal leaks in your property
  9. If you are going away close the main water valve
  10. When washing dishes do not use running water, rather fill the basin with water
  11. Report leaks to the relevant authority.

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