With energy being one of Buffalo City’s biggest challenge, the Metro together with its sister city, the City of Oldenburg recently launched the Nakopa project at Beacon Bay Electricity Office.
This is part of the twinning partnership, which is set to look at an alternative energy solution and renewable technology systems. City of Oldenburg was in town for a weeklong visit from 19 to 21 October. Speaking about the project, Manager: Integrated Environmental Management and Sustainable Development Nomthandazo Hanise said, “The objective of the project is to convert the Metro’s Electricity Department to an energy efficient building and to add a limited amount of renewable technology system.” This is a pilot project for Buffalo City so that the communities, schools and business can see an example from the project. The delegates also visited the Nahoon Estuary Reserve Environmental Centre in Beacon Bay.The strategy and the outcome of the project is for communities, schools and business to view an energy efficient, renewable energy, energy efficient projects as a showcase for various applications that may be adopted within their environment.
Speaking at the event Executive Mayor Alfred Mtsi said, “Indeed, our relationship with the City of Oldenburg has borne fruits in various fronts. We have worked together on various projects. Some of those projects include projects pertaining to renewable energy and waste management.” “Through our interaction with Oldenburg, we have gathered much knowledge, skills and understanding on matters about climate change and the need for us to go green. “We need to introduce solar houses in the Metro. Thank you very much we will make sure that the equipment that you are handing over to us is used wisely.”