Prioritise fuel management | Infrastructure news

Grant Fraser is the product and marketing director at MiX Telematics Africa.

Grant Fraser, product and marketing director at MiX Telematics Africa.

Grant Fraser explains the value of fuel control and fuel security within fuel management.

Fleet businesses operate in a competitive industry, where operating costs are constantly scrutinised. When fleet operators are well equipped to manage their mobile assets and take control of driver behaviour, the result is a guaranteed increase in profitability.

The key to success is improving efficiencies and productivity, and one of the most effective ways to do so is through fuel management. The average large fleet’s fuel costs account for approximately 40% of the fleet’s total operating costs. A common reality in today’s environment is the increase in fuel theft, which not only impacts a business’ profitability, but also limits the ability to compete in a demanding market.

Two critical areas of fuel management that businesses should prioritise are fuel control and fuel security. By utilising the latest, innovative technologies, these areas will not only be easy to identify and manage, but will result in significant fleet cost savings.

Fuel control
A properly implemented fleet management solution that monitors and improves driver behaviour is imperative to reduce fuel consumption. By lessening poor driving habits like harsh acceleration, speeding, and excessive idling, fuel consumption is reduced significantly.

Technology plays a key role in fuel control and reducing risk. MiX Telematics’ state-of-the-art fleet management solutions are proven to bring about an average of 10% savings on fuel costs – often equating to millions of rands in savings for customers. Considering the rising cost of fuel, these savings are critical to remain competitive.

Fuel security
Fuel is becoming more of a commodity in South Africa due to its rising cost. There is an increase in fuel theft and, if businesses wish to remain profitable, serious measures need to be put in place to stop the incidence of fuel theft. Fleet operators can lose as much as 10 litres of fuel per truck per day due to syphoning and skimming, which could easily amount to over R30 000 per year, per vehicle.

Fleet owners should invest in effective fuel security solutions that are proven to protect fuel and profits. MiX Telematics Africa has extended its fleet management solutions by providing MiX fuel security solutions to fleet operators in South Africa.

MiX fuel security devices provide a solution that prevents syphoning and skimming. With proven savings achieved, of up to 10% of the total fuel cost, full return on investment after fitting this device is achieved within six weeks. With a simple installation that only takes a few minutes, these solutions are highly effective in resolving any fleet’s fuel security concerns.

Fuel management is critical to the bottom line of any business. By making use of end-to-end safety and security solutions with the latest technology, fleet operators can increase profitability and competitiveness.

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