Operational dashboards can reduce fleet costs | Infrastructure news

Optimising fleet performance, while minimizing costs, remains the single biggest challenge facing fleet operators.

An efficient way to measure fleet performance on an on-going basis is to set up an Operational Dashboard, which allows fleet managers to analyse costs over time and get an accurate picture of fleet expenditure.

“It is important to look at the bigger picture, rather than focusing on daily operational transactions, as they can give a skewed picture” explains Murray Price, managing director of Eqstra Fleet Management.

The Dashboard is compiled according to customized fleet needs and is mainly composed of data collected from vehicles. This data is then summarized and consolidated into a dashboard file and usually gathers information such as fleet utilisation, maintenance management, accident reports, fuel reports, driver behaviour reports, vehicle condition reports, and financial status (depreciation schedules, annual cost per units, etc.)

“The three most important elements of a Dashboard include reducing fleet operational expenses, improving driver productivity, and reducing vehicle depreciation,” Price adds.

“An appropriate fleet operational dashboard reporting system will show the status of the fleet at any given moment. It is important however to focus on the correct data and analyse it carefully to obtain the information required. A properly developed report scheduling system will simplify processes and allow the manager to maximise his fleet performance.”

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