Promoting flood protection and ending traffic bottlenecks
“For phase two, we are now building the next two-thirds of the bridge and have started laying a new concrete foundation base that will underpin the eastern section of the bridge.”The new bridge will be both higher and considerably wider than the old bridge, and therefore better protected when the Sandspruit River is in flood.
The old, two lane-bridge was unsuited to the volumes of traffic that traverse the Katherine Street stretch between Grayston and Marlboro Drives daily. The new, six-lane bridge will bring an end to traffic bottlenecks at this point, while opening the way for the BRT route that the JDA is laying down along Katherine Street. Over the last two weeks, besides ongoing work on the bridge’s foundations, the contractor has been conducting roadworks along Katherine Street from Westbrooke Drive through to the BRT bridge construction site – as well as beyond this, through to the intersection of Katherine with Marlboro Drive, and eastwards on Marlboro Drive until the M1 north onramp. –Elias Nkabinde