The City of Cape Town’s, R20 million, upgrade on a section of Weltevreden Road in the Cape Flats has finally been completed.
The City of Cape Town’s, R20 million, upgrade on a section of Weltevreden Road in the Cape Flats has finally been completed. Apart from strengthening the road structure and the resurfacing, Transport for Cape Town has also installed a new stormwater drainage system to prevent the constant flooding of Weltevreden Road between Govan Mbeki Road and Old Lansdowne Road.
“The southbound lanes along this section of Weltevreden Road regularly flooded during the rainy season due to poor drainage. Motorists often could not drive in the slow lane because of the water on the surface, and water often stagnated next to the road posing a health hazard says Brett Herron the City’s Mayoral Committee Member: Transport for Cape Town.
“We have replaced this overland flow system with a new piped system to divert the run-off into underground pipes and drains, leading into a larger stormwater network.
“With the winter rains only two months or so away, road users will greatly benefit from this improvement,” says Herron.
All in all 1 050 m of carriageway was resurfaced, inclusive of the southbound ramp onto Jakes Gerwel Drive and the northbound ramp onto Weltevreden Road at the intersection of Weltevreden and Old Lansdowne Roads.
Recycled asphalt
“The refurbishment of this section formed part of a pilot project where we recycled some of the asphalt that was removed from the old road surface. In the end we have reused 20%, or up to 732 tons, of the asphalt in the bitumen treated base to create the new smooth road surface,” Herron explained.
Transport for Cape Town also created sidewalks on both sides of Weltevreden Road between Govan Mbeki Road and Old Lansdowne Road.
Next Weltevreden Road will be rehabilitated between Old Landsdowne Road and Varkensvlei Road.
“The resurfacing of Weltevreden Road along this section amounts to approximately R3.5 million and should commence before the end of this month, if all goes according to plan,” he concludes.