Schools go big with recycling | Infrastructure news

The winners from Kabega Primary School

The winners from Kabega Primary School

Three schools received cash prizes for their recycling efforts as part of The Waste Trade Company’s Schools Recycling Project.

Kabega Primary, BJ Mnyanda Primary and Albertyn Primary were the top recycling schools in the first term of 2016 under the Schools Recycling Project.

The project was initiated in 2009 as part of The Waste Trade Company’s social responsibility campaign and has since signed up 180 schools in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro.

The Waste Trade Company believes that the education of the youth lies at the heart of preserving the planet and creating environmental awareness. The company therefore aims to empower children with the knowledge and principles of recycling.

The Schools Project involves visits schools to teach learners about recycling and waste separation not only by show and tell, but by involving them in the process. The children are encouraged to bring recyclable materials from home, which they get to distribute in the waste separation area after attending the theoretical info session.

This fun activity involves the participation of the children and aids their understanding and learning experience. The participating schools benefit from the free collection of recyclable materials and a rebate received from The Waste Trade Company for the recyclables. These funds are usually put towards buying sporting equipment, upgrades or even creating soup kitchens in the underprivileged communities.

According to The Waste Trade Company, this initiative has been a huge success. The company is also facilitating educational field trips to our depot where learners can gain insight into the magnitude of waste processed per day and see how it is being separated.




First place:  Kabega Primary

Total weight of recycling collected:  11481 kg

Cash prize:  R3000


Second place:  BJ Mnyanda Primary

Total weight of recycling collected:  6443 kg

Cash prize:  R2000


Third place:  Albertyn Primary

Total weight of recycling collected:  2914 kg

Cash prize:  R1000

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