Cornubia Interchange to create significant benefits | Infrastructure news

What the link bridge and interchage will look like once complet

What the link bridge and interchange will look like once complete

The anticipated Cornubia link bridge and interchange scheduled for completion in the first quarter of 2017 will provide Cornubia-based businesses multiple and unencumbered access to main arterial routes and a dedicated link into the heart of uMhlanga New Town Centre.

The roadway will be the second access route linking Cornubia to the N2. The link bridge and interchange form part of an extension to the uMhlanga Ridge Boulevard crossing over the N2 freeway adjacent to the flagship Porsche dealership.

This link will form a part of the new Go!Durban Integrated Rapid Public Transport Network (IRPTN), a priority transport project that combines existing and new rail systems with Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems, road, pedestrian and bicycle facilities.


“The multi million rand link bridge will ensure that Cornubia is the best connected and accessible A-Grade industrial estate in KZN,” says Dan Gardener of FWJK Quantity Surveyors.

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