Walvis Bay ramps up logistics activity | Infrastructure news

Walvis Bay is developing rapidly due to its increasing logistics activities. This growth can be attributed to the plan envisaged to develop Namibia as a Logistics Hub for Southern Africa, with the Port of Walvis Bay as its gateway.

It is vital that the town is ready to accommodate the growth this development brings. In line with this, careful planning is needed to alleviate potential economic, environmental, social and health-related risks that come with the expansion of the town.

The Walvis Bay Council’s Integrated Urban Spatial Development Framework (IUSDF) was explained at the 7th Logistics Hub Forum held in the town recently. “Walvis Bay has the potential to become Namibia’s primary industrial centre,” noted Mr Bruce Steward, Town Planning Consultant to the Walvis Bay Municipality.

In his presentation, Mr Steward illustrated that the population of Walvis Bay increased from 37,000 to 80,000 between 1997 and 2012. The current population is expected to double to 180 000 by 2030, with an annual growth rate of 4,7%. This, as outlined in Walvis Bay Council’s long-term development plan for the next 14 years, was said in conjunction with how Walvis Bay is expected to look like in 2030.

With Logistics being such an integral part of Walvis Bay, the development in the Port’s activities has meant the need to look at the growth of the town alongside it. Planning ahead is a key requirement considering the impact of growth on water supply, sewerage systems, electricity supply, roads, social and community facilities which could become insufficient in the long run. Population growth, land requirements, port expansion, provision of service is on the basis of the IUSDF initiative.

Mr Clive Smith, Manager of the Logistics Hub Project at the Walvis Bay Corridor Group (WBCG) added: “Developments in the sector, creates new opportunities and expands the potential for economic growth, not only in Walvis Bay but for all towns along the corridors.” He emphasised, however, that it only works if Namibia’s private and public sector work as a unified team to achieve the goal.

Appointed as the executing Agency for the implementation of the Logistics Hub Master Plan, WBCG is committed to the inclusive and synergized approach in building Namibia’s Logistics Hub. To download the Namibia Logistics Master Plan, go to www.npc.gov.na – downloads. The Walvis Bay Council’s IUSDF is available at the Town Planning Section: Room 101, Civic Centre.

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