Minister Jeff Radebe to address SA building industry | Infrastructure news

master_builders_2016The 2016 annual Master Builders Congress will be taking place from 31 August to 2 September at the Durban International Convention Centre.

Now in its 111th year, the annual congress has become the premium gathering for building contractors, construction and project managers, built environment professionals, government officials, financial institutions, manufacturers and building industry suppliers from all over South Africa.

Under this year’s theme of ‘Building South Africa Together’, the congress will provide an opportunity for all role-players to congregate and discuss the latest trends, opportunities and challenges facing the building industry.

Kicking off the congress will be Minister Jeff Radebe, the Minister in the Presidency for Planning, Performance, Monitoring, Evaluation and Administration, who will deliver the keynote address, the topic of which will be ‘Building the South African Economy Through Infrastructure Development’.

The topic will be unpacked further during a panel discussion in which the minister will take part along with other role players including representatives from major construction companies in Africa, the Development Bank of Southern Africa, National Treasury and the South African Local Government Association. The panel will be moderated by popular television personality and journalist Jeremy Maggs.

The first day of the congress will feature breakaway sessions where a variety of pressing industry issues will be discussed by panels comprised of members from different industry spheres.

Deliberating the topic of ‘Construction Occupational Health and Safety’ will be the Department of Labour’s Director of Construction, Explosives and Major Hazard Installation, Phumudzo Maphaha; CEO of the South African Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Neels Nortjé and Professor of Construction Management Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Prof. John Smallwood.

‘Skills Development in the Construction Industry’ will be examined by a panel that includes the Skills Manager at the Construction Industry Development Board, Ntebo Ngozwana; a representative from the Construction Education & Training Authority as well as heads of various Master Builder Associations’ Education & Training committees around the country.

A panel comprising the Executive Manager of Legal, Compliance and Enforcement at the National Home Builders Registration Council, Julia Motapola; CEO of the South African Council for the Project & Construction Management Professions, Nomvula Rakolote; Programme Manager for Procurement and Delivery Management at the Construction Industry Development Board, Inba Thumbiran and the Secretary General of the Black Business Council in the Built Environment, Gregory Mofokeng, will be addressing ‘Regulatory, Contractual and Legal Matters in the Construction Industry’.

The second day of the congress will see Thabo Masombuka, CEO of the Construction Sector Charter Council, posing the question of ‘The Journey Towards a Transformed Construction Sector – Are We Getting There?’ This will be followed by Sonja Pilusa, CEO of the Construction Education & Training Authority, revealing the ‘CETA Sector Skills Plan for the Construction Industry’ and the Deputy Public Protector, Advocate Kevin Malunga who will focus on the issue of ‘Combating Corruption in the Construction Industry’.

“We are very excited about the Congress and have developed an interesting line-up of topics and speakers to ensure that delegates attending gain a better understanding of how the construction industry can contribute to building South Africa,” says Master Builders Executive Director Roy Mnisi.

Members of the building and construction industry, suppliers and service providers are invited to attend the 2016 Master Builders Congress and Exhibition.

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