Environmentally-friendly packaging growing in popularity | Infrastructure news

Tetra Rex® carton package with TwistCap OSO34

Tetra Rex Bio has won several awards a 100% biodegradable package

Environmentally-friendly packaging is becoming increasingly essential according to a leading data and analytics company.

GlobalData says it expects demand for environmentally-friendly packaging to continue to increase in response to heightened publicity around plastics ending up in the ocean.

Recycling on the rise

The company’s Q3 2016 global consumer survey shows that 65% of consumers globally always or mostly recycle product packaging and 53% always or mostly avoid excessively packaged grocery products.

Peter Hays, Consumer Analyst at GlobalData, says consumers are highly sensitive to the environmental implications of packaging formats.

“While the implications of product formulation have long been a focus of consumers, it is becoming clear that the packaging waste produced by everyday purchases also has a detrimental effect on the environment.”

Packaging recyclability an important factor

GlobalData’s Q1 2017 global consumer survey found that consumers consider packaging recyclability to be the most important factor when it comes to environmentally-friendly packaging, but that view is likely to shift as awareness builds.

“While packaging recyclability is laudable, the recycling process requires additional energy. A more environmentally-friendly packaging format might use recyclable materials while also reducing unnecessary packaging. Better still would be offering consumers’ reusable packaging,” Hays concludes.

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