Zutari staff members play key role in conference | Infrastructure news

Consulting engineering and infrastructure advisory firmZutari – played a significant role in organising the 7th WISA Young Water Professionals (YWP) conference in Stellenbosch with over 130 delegates. 

“Many countries are grappling with problems that are highly complex and interdependent, such as water crises and youth unemployment. As our world becomes increasingly global, our decisions create ripple effects that span space, time, and disciplines. Never has the need for interdisciplinary collaboration being stronger. This need inspired the theme of ‘Breaking Silos’,” says Anya Eilers from Zutari, National Chair of the South African YWP forum. YWP is the youth empowerment platform of the Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA). 

“As young water professionals in southern Africa, we have a pivotal role to play in supporting our continent to address these global challenges. The women and men of WISA-YWP come from a range of institutions and academic backgrounds in the sector, and every day I am inspired by the diversity of thought and passion for what we do. They do not just represent the traditional engineers and natural scientists, but also include social scientists, economists, entrepreneurs, political leaders, writers, and many other disciplines. By combining our skills and breaking down the silos that have perpetuated in our industry, I believe we are one step closer to achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals,” she continues. 

Commenting on the theme ‘Breaking Silos’, Eilers highlights: “There is often limited cross-collaboration between social scientists, natural scientists, engineers and other disciplines, but there was ample engagement at the conference, which was exciting. We addressed the importance of breaking silos and challenging the status quo, such as through multi-disciplinary sessions on stakeholder community engagement. The latter is significant as water and wastewater engineering represents a complex intersection of social, political, and economic factors. Breaking silos is significant as water and wastewater engineering represents a complex intersection of social, political, and economic factors.” 

“By actively supporting and mentoring the youth, who represent the future leaders in the water space, we aim to instil a sense of collaboration from the outset. Our goal is to ensure that the youth comprehend the significance of breaking down silos and actively participating in a cohesive movement. Through initiatives like the YWP Conference, we strive to make them understand the intricacies of fostering collaboration and the impact it can have in the years to come,” says Eugene Fotso Simo, conference chair from Zutari. 

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