The Southern African Plastic Pipe Manufacturers Association (SAPPMA) and its subsidiary organisation, the Installation and Fabrication Plastics Pipe Association (IFPA) have jointly welcomed nine new members to their associations recently.
“A well-engineered pipe system is dependent on good design, high pipe quality as well as a strict adherence to standards- both upstream where the raw materials are supplied, and at the downstream end that looks after the fabrication of and the installation of pipelines. We are proud of the fact that the latest growth in our membership allows us to represent the entire value chain of more than 80% of the plastic pipes being produced in South Africa,” says Jan Venter, chairperson of SAPPMA. Treger Plastics and the Rare Group have both joined SAPPMA in the pipe manufacturers’ category, whilst Nesstra and Engen joined in the category of suppliers.IFPA has welcomed Waterzone, Alprene, Plasti-Tech, Dynamic Industrial Piping and Procon Africa as new members. “From Engen’s side, we wanted to join SAPPMA in recognition and support of the excellent work the association is doing in ensuring absolute quality, trust and integrity throughout the plastic pipe industry. As raw material suppliers, it is important for us to know that our customers adhere to industry standards of excellence, as well employ environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and materials,” says Isaac Solomon David, Polymers Business Manager of Engen Chemicals and Special Products.This sentiment was echoed by Tony Dean, Managing Director of Rare Plastics, (photograph left) manufacturers and distributors of HDPE pipe and fittings. “The South African plastic pipe industry is of extreme importance in the development and maintenance of the country’s infrastructure. It is also one of the most demanding industries, as our products are designed to last a minimum of 50 years. For this reason, we are happy to be a member of Sappma and ensure that all our pipes are manufactured to SANS ISO 4427 standards. In accordance with SAPPMA guidelines, we also ensure that all our raw materials are sourced from reputable manufacturers who comply to SANS ISO 4427 Part 1,” he says.
Venter concludes, “The growth in our membership bears testimony to the fact that membership to SAPPA and IFPA adds value to individual organisations as well as ensures quality and peace of mind for the end user. By enlarging our footprint, we can speak with stronger voice when it comes to matters that directly affect our industry, ranging from non-compliance to industry standards, to protecting our members against inferior imports. Belonging to SAPPMA and IFPA is a certain way of differentiating the responsible players in the field from those who are reckless about quality and ethics, unlocks substantial benefits to members, and increases marketing exposure for them through being part of a reputable, regulated association”.