Human Settlements Minister Lindiwe Sisulu has announced that international property investor, Investec Property, will build an 85 000m shopping centre at the Cornubia housing project in KwaZulu-Natal.
The Minister said on Saturday this demonstrates that integrated human settlements must take a lead in economic development and showed confidence in the Breaking New Ground policy approved by Cabinet in 2004. Minister Sisulu made the announcement when during a visit to Durban on Saturday. She explained that Cornubia is a national pilot project of the Breaking New Ground policy launched in 2008 and the progress made indicates that South Africa is embracing integrated human settlements. The project is located over 1300 hectors of land connecting the King Shaka International Airport and Umhlanga area. The project will deliver close to 30 000 housing units and provide shelter to over 100 000 people. “We are building a new city here, where our poor people will stay close to the industries and malls. This is our way to the future and I call on all government departments to support this project with all amenities from schools to recreational facilities such as parks.“This project is very close to my heart, it demonstrates what we as a nation can achieve when we partner with business and investors. I call on all involved to stay focussed and work very fast to achieve all the 30 000 units projected,” the Minister said.
She said the project must also be used to train young people as part of the national youth brigade and the military veterans must be involved in the project. According to the Minister, military veterans can be trained in construction skills and take part in building of their own houses. She requested KwaZulu-Natal Human Settlements MEC, Ravi Pillay, to take 100 young people and train them in construction skills to be part of the project. Private investors like Blindsmart, Bidvest, Cargo compass, Redefine, Zenprop have already invested in the project.