Why you need a substance abuse policy in your workplace | Infrastructure news

All organisations know that implementing safety procedures within the workplace is imperative to ensure the health and safety of all employees.

However, they also understand that applying these safety procedures into an organisation can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to alcohol and substance testing.

Most companies in South Africa do not have a substance abuse policy, according to Rhys Evans, director of Alco Safe – a supplier of electronic breath-alcohol detectors and drug-detection equipment and accessories.

With 5000 clients around South Africa, Evans finds that Alco Safe is being contacted more frequently by companies seeking to incorporate substance abuse into their health and safety policy.

“The reality is that you can’t wake up one morning purchase, a breathalyser, and start testing your staff, you need to follow the right procedures and make sure that everyone is protected,” says Evans.

You are at risk too

He notes that any company is at risk of an employee developing a drug or alcohol problem and, therefore, regardless of the size of the company, every company should have a substance abuse policy.

“The policy does not have to be longwinded, even a two-page document included in your health and safety policy is enough t to cover the bases.”

These policies are important, not only as disciplinary measures, but so that companies can take the necessary action to assist staff seeking help. Without these policies, companies are unable to step in and help employees who may need rehabilitation.

This is particularly important in high-risk environments such as construction, mining, and any industry where employees are required to work with heavy machinery or dangerous equipment.

Knowledge is power

Implementing a substance abuse policy not only requires the ‘buy in’ and the approval of employee representatives (unions), but also involves detailed preparation to determine what is required for an effective programme.

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