China upgrades relations with SA | Infrastructure news

President's Xi Jinping and Jacob Zuma

Chinese President Xi Jinping and South African President Jacob Zuma at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

China has announced that it is upgrading its relations with Africa from a strategic partnership to a comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership.

This, according to China, will allow the two sides to take advantage of opportunities in technology and the economic power shift.

Africa and China will also be able to work together to address challenges like terrorism, climate change and the downturn of economic growth.

For the comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership to be successful, China proposes that certain key areas must be strengthened. These include renewed commitment to political equality and mutual trust.

“A high degree of mutual trust is the foundation of the China–Africa friendship. We should respect each other’s choices, development paths and not impose our own wills on each other,” said Chinese President Xi Jinping at the opening of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Sandton on Friday.

Another key area in the achievement of the comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership is to remain committed to a win-win economic partnership, as well as boosting people-to-people and cultural exchanges.

“Diversity makes the world beautiful,” he said, calling for more cultural exchanges, especially among the youth.

This, President Xi said, will ensure that China-Africa relations continue for generations.

Benefitting Africa

Speaking at the opening session, President Jacob Zuma said the China-Africa partnership can only yield further positive results for Africa’s development.

“The strategic partnership and cooperation between Africa and the People’s Republic of China is an important instrument towards the achievement of our development goals.”

Already the partnership is yielding economic results, President Zuma said, as benefits can be seen in that China has become Africa’s largest trade partner.

Africa is now one of China’s major import sources and fourth largest investment destination.


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