The eThekwini Municipality is giving customers who are in arrears on their electrical accounts the opportunity to have their services reinstated by signing an Acknowledgement of Debt in favour of the Municipality for the total outstanding debt.
Customers will also need to enter a Credit Authority for the full amount. The announcement follows tabling of a report at the final Executive Committee meeting for 2018 held recently. The initial report, which was tabled at the Human Settlements and Infrastructure Committee in November, granted the Municipality the authority, in certain instances, deviate from the current Credit Control Policy 2018/19 and grant a Credit Authority to residential property supply.Terms of the agreement
The report states that the deposit amount and payment terms of the Credit Authority will be calculated with due cognisance of the affordability level of the customer, however the period for the agreement must not exceed 36 months. The customer will continue to have access to electricity service as long as the terms and conditions of Acknowledgment of Debt and Credit Authority are honoured.The report states that the reinstatement connection costs and any additional amounts raised due to the reinstatement of service, which will only be a prepaid meter, may be fully allocated to the Credit Authority or appropriately apportioned as opposed to an upfront payment.