New projects to drive skills development in African energy sector | Infrastructure news

As Africa braces for an influx of energy projects, development authorities are faced with the task of ensuring that there are enough energy professionals on the continent to meet the growing demand of related skills for the successful implementation of these projects.

According to The World Bank Energy project portfolio, there are currently 48 projects lined up totalling $3 billion, opening up opportunities for jobs and demonstrating a clear need for related skills on the continent.

While Africa still lacks the sufficient number of job-ready workers and entrepreneurs capable of developing, installing, operating and managing off-grid renewable solutions as well as talent adaptable to a considerably dynamic sector, industry bodies around the content are doing their bit to try and rectify the situation.

Taking on the skills challenge

African Development Bank President Dr Akinwumi Adesina recently introduced a programme aimed at creating 25 million jobs and upskilling 50 million youth over the next decade.

Closer to home the Wits Business School (WBS), in collaboration with the Chemical Industries Education and Training Authority (CHIETA), introduced the Africa Energy Leadership Centre (AELC) which aims to develop highly skilled and informed people to advance the energy space, thereby supporting the economic growth of the continent as a whole. 

Additionally the Energy and Water Sector Education and Training Authority (EWSETA), established in accordance with the Skills Development Act 1998 – amended to confront the skills gap facing South Africa and enhance and manage skill development and training requirements in the country’s energy and water space.

Empowering women and youth

“Building a competent energy workforce will create jobs of extensive scope along with business opportunities in rural areas that are left wanting for clean energy and economic growth,” notes Thembisa Bambathi, media liaison, Africa Energy Indaba.

“Many of these jobs could advantageously be performed by women and members of the expanding youth who bear the brunt of the effects of energy poverty and broader economic exclusion.”

Africa Energy Indaba

The upcoming Africa Energy Indaba is again set to empower today’s African youth by hosting its third African Youth Energy Innovator Showcase in 2019, giving them the opportunity to be seen by industry experts and energy decision makers.

The contest is open to 18 to 35 year old individuals from across Africa. Five winners have been chosen and will be able to showcase their innovations both locally and internationally to increase publicity and exposure; they will meet potential investors, key public and private sector stakeholders as well as possibly attract funding for their winning innovations.  

Under the theme Africa’s Energy Future, the 2019 Africa Energy Indaba is set to take place from 19-20 February in Johannesburg.

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