Infinite Group CEO, Henu Cronje has become the latest member of the Chemical and Allied Industries’ Association to sign the Responsible Care Public Commitment.
By Signing the Responsible Care agreement, Mr Cronje has committed himself and the Infinite Group to following the guidelines of this initiative which promotes the safe transportation of chemicals in a bid to improve health, safety and environmental practices. Henu Cronje says “operating effectively and efficiently to ensure that our valued customers receive high quality service, our commitment to our employee’s health and safety, taking the safe and efficient conveyance of our cargo very seriously, we feel we are well on our way to living up to our company’s commitment to the Responsible Care principles, codes and practices”.With the sensitive nature of the goods being transported and with numerous disasters in the chemical industry in the early 1980’s, it was essential for such an initiative to be formed.
Responsible Care was launched in South Africa in 1994 by the Chemical and Allied Industries’ Association (CAIA), with 15 signatories. In 2008, membership stands at 142 signatories and 12 consultant members.