Transnet’s new automotive rail wagons | Infrastructure news

Transnet launched its newly designed rail wagons for vehicle manufacturers with a visit to the state owned enterprises Engineering wagons facility in Uitenhage by President Zuma.

The wagons were built to the exact specifications of Transnet Freight Rail’s customers – the vehicle Original Equipment Manufacturers – as Transnet accelerates its efforts to boost South Africa’s manufacturing sector.

The new wagons, which are higher and wider, are a significant improvement on the design and capabilities of the older models. The new car carrier has the capability to carry conventional vehicles as well as SUVs and mini buses in a much more secure and safer environment.

Another significant improvement on the old design is internal lighting, which has made it possible to load the wagons during day and night. This has enabled Transnet Freight Rail to implement 24-hour shifts to meet the needs of its customers.

To date, 229 of the 350 wagons have been completed. These are operational primarily on the route between Kaalfontein, Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth and Durban. The last wagon will roll out of the factory by the end of January 2014.

The additional wagons have enabled Transnet to run longer trains, realising the Government’s goal to move rail-friendly cargo off our roads. The average train length has, as a result, increased from about 25 wagons to 45.

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