Proposed road freight legislation ill-advised | Infrastructure news

The recent announcement by the Minister of Transport to restrict goods trucks with a GVM over 9 000kg from public roads during peak hours (06:00 – 09:00 and 5:00 – 8:00 pm) has been met with shock and outrage by the trucking industry.

The proposed legislation to restrict freight vehicles in peak hours will not reduce road carnage says Gavin Kelly, spokesperson of the Road Freight Association (RFA). Kelly says the move would have the contrary effect, and merely create greater congestion and lead to more chaos and pandemonium on the roads. “And ironically, it will only contribute to the additional cost burden of operators and to the logistics chain which we as a country can ill afford,” he adds.

“This proposed legislation will not solve the real problem on the roads, which is the lack of law enforcement and that motorists disobey the rules of the road. Sporadic testing of drivers by authorities will also not curtail the accidents. Major truck accidents have been caused as a result of operators that did not operate legally and professionally, which would most probably have been prevented through proper law enforcement,” he adds. “However, due to the inefficiencies in law enforcement and the rampant bribery and corruption that takes place, the Association would like to propose a solution, at RFA Convention 2015, to introduce greater levels of professionalism in the industry.”

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