PRASA cleanup commences | Infrastructure news

The Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) Board is at full steam to institute actions which are primarily intended to improve operations at the organisation by putting greater emphasis on transparency and accountability.

Chairperson of the Board, Popo Molefe, confirmed that such actions follow receipt of the Auditor General’s Report which highlighted irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure. The Board initiated a comprehensive skills and qualifications audit across the entire company as part of a process aimed at making the company ready to advance effective management of the new fleet of trains and to prevent fruitless and wasteful expenditure caused by inflated salaries of individuals who faked their qualifications.

“The Minister of Transport, Dipuo Peters, engaged PRASA about the urgent need for a comprehensive audit of all academic qualifications by staff. The Board highly welcomed the Minister’s call and is now at full steam to ensure the realisation of findings from the AG report which was subsequently pursued” said Molefe in response to this development.

PRASA also awaits receipt of the Public Protectors report. The report was delayed by the Office of the Public Protector following requests from PRASA staff to make further submissions.

Furthermore, the PRASA Board is expecting a legal opinion about prospects of recovering funds from former employees accused of falsifying their qualifications. Further actions deliberated on include civic criminal proceedings and blacklisting affected persons from working in the State.

“Transparency and accountability should be accorded greater importance in the future when weighing up the protection of executive decisions against disclosure. We must be able to publicly justify our decisions immediately.” further explains Molefe.

The Board encouraged the Executive Committee (EXCO) of PRASA to ensure that no effort is spared in uncovering and clearing up fraud. Potential informants have also been requested to support the proceedings of the Auditor-General and the Public Protector.

Reflecting on complaints by some stakeholder, Molefe stated “We are also aware of stakeholders who are aggrieved by our actions. More so, those who appear to have been benefiting from unstructured arrangements with PRASA”

Explaining his Board’s attitude on the issue, he stated “We would like a win-win situation which will ensure transparency and accountability as the foundation of partnership with stakeholders. This relationship must result in the creation of jobs and growth that seeks to address challenges as identified in the National Development Plan” concluded Molefe.

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