Puma Energy opens Mozambique terminals | Infrastructure news

Puma Energy has opened a bitumen and a fuel terminal in Mozambique, creating 77 jobs for Mozambicans.

“Mozambique is a very promising market in Africa today. We have confidence in the country’s long-term commercial opportunities as well as the country’s strategic location to answer the supply requirements of Southern Africa,” says Christophe Zyde, COO, Puma Energy Africa.

The terminals comprise 11 storage tanks.

The company already has storage facilities in Beira and a Bitumen operation in Matola. The company says Mozambique will no longer be dependent on bitumen imports from neighbouring countries and says the fuel terminal creates a channel for cost-effective, secure supply of fuel to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) sub-region.

“Our focus is on integrated midstream and downstream operations, which means we can achieve significant economies of scale and operating efficiencies. This translates into competitive costs, managed risk, secured supply and seamless delivery,” says Sophonie Babo, the company’s general manager for Mozambique.

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