139 cases of fraud and corruption found at DWS | Infrastructure news

Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation MinisterĀ Lindiwe Sisulu said in a briefing on Wednesday that they had found 139 cases of corrupt activity in her department.

Sisulu said that those found guilty were dealt with and that her team was fighting back against corruption in her department.

The minister said that although a total of 249 reported cases were investigated, only 139 officials were to be true and referred for disciplinary action.

Of the 139 disciplinary cases, the following outcomes were achieved:

  • 86 officials were found guilty
  • 14 officials were not found guilty
  • 24 officials resigned
  • One official was reinstated following an arbitration award, and
  • The charges regarding one official were withdrawn on instruction of the Presiding Officer as the official was previously employed under the Water Act and currently employed under Public Service Act.
These disciplinary actions also resulted in the following sanctions being handed down; 13 dismissals, one demotion, 11 three months suspensions without pay and six two months suspensions without pay including final written warnings.

Sisulu said that since her appointment into the portfolio in May 2019, she has “relentlessly focused on re-engineering and prioritizing ways of improving the efficient functioning of the Department of Water and Sanitation.”

The Department has also referred 18 cases to the law enforcement agencies such as the South African Police Services (SAPS) and the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (The Hawks) for investigation and possible prosecution.

Civil recovery processes through the courts were also initiated, in an effort to recover all the funds that have been lost through fraud and corruption.

“The Department has further also prioritized 151 Irregular Expenditure investigations and 13 Forensic Investigations within the next six months aimed for completion within twelve months time,” said Sisulu.

She added that the potential recoveries are estimated at R18.2 million and all these efforts are focused at “restoring stability, efficient functioning of the Department and improving staff morale.”

Bringing stabilization to Water Boards

There are on-going investigations related to irregular expenditure, mismanagement and governance issues at the Amatola Water Board in the Eastern Cape, as well as Lepelle Northern Water Board in Limpopo Province.

The CEO of Amatola Water, Vuyo Zitumane is currently on precautionary suspension to allow the investigations to continue.

Sisulu reiterated that these investigations are aimed at ensuring that the Department of Water and Sanitation, and the entities under the Ministryā€™s jurisdiction, deliver on the services of the people of South Africa.

“Apart from the outcomes of the Forensic reports, other charges are also being formulated in terms of the Public Service Regulations in line with Forensic Reports.”

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