3SMedia | Infrastructure news - Part 411


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Live up to recycling

The month of September is dedicated to recycling. Although everyone should adopt recycling as part of their lifestyle, millions are still hesitant to adopt the change. In South Africa, 16 September is officially marked National Recycling Day...

Sugar cane in tyre production

“If we could switch the tyres on the world’s cars overnight to the best materials that are currently available, this alone would save up to 20 billion litres of fuel annually, reducing CO₂ emissions by 50 million metric tons a year.” Dr Axel...

Packaging best practice

Industrial packaging is designed and manufactured to specifications for the different risk classes of industrial products to be safe and secure in transport and use worldwide; and collection, reprocess and reuse is global best practice. The...
plastics bottles image

Plastics: Too valuable to waste

Plastics get the spotlight in this edition of RéSource. We take a look at the plastics recycling survey results and Plastics SA’s achievement at The Green Expo. Fulfilling its mandate of promoting the responsible and sustainable use of plastics as...