The Department of Water and Sanitation has called for calm in Sheepmoor, Mpumalanga, after residents took to the streets to protest against recent water shortages. The community, which shut down schooling in the area, is protesting at the Kliphoek...
Members of the public have until the end of September to submit their comments on the Department of Water and Sanitation’s Mine Water Management Policy. According to the department the Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) and related mine water impacts...
Using innovative tools and practices address some of the WASH challenges being faced in rural communities. Woza Moya is a civil society Woza Moya is a civil society organisation in KZN which is piloting and testing some innovative systems at their...
The Saldanha Bay Municipality plans to accept all water that Kropz Elandsfontein is removing from the Elandsfontein aquifer on which it has established its controversial opencast phosphate mine. The Municipality’s surprise decision follows an...