The Integrated Vaal River System (IVRS) have reportedly remained in a strong position this week, with some of thecritical dams within it remaining at firm levels. In comparison to last year at this time when the system (IVRS) hovered at 90.9%, its...
Speaking on municipalities’ failure to deliver basic water and sanitation services, Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation, Dikeledi Magadzi says municiplaities need to be engaged and assisted to ensure adherence to the national norms and...
By Jorisna Bonthuys The theme of this year’s World Water Day is ‘Groundwater – Making the Invisible Visible’. As it is a vital resource in South African cities, the Water Research Commission (WRC) has funded a research project to improve the...
Sasolburg Operations has received two Green Drop awards from the Department of Water and Sanitation during the launch of the Green Drop Report, namely ‘Best Performing Private Sector System’ and ‘Best Progress made by a Private Sector System’ –...