The 2012/2013 budget speech for the City of Tshwane (CoT), which was delivered today by Executive Mayor, Councillor Kgosientso Ramokgopa, proposed increased tariffs for the city’s 2012/13 medium-term revenue and expenditure framework (MTREF)....
Consulting Engineers South Africa (CESA) has reiterated the need for government to get its house in order. The lack of infrastructure development due to projects not being undertaken as well as tender processes taking up to three years to...
Access to clean drinking water remains a privilege for many Namibians, with villagers in remote areas faring the worst in most cases. The residents of Mangamba village in eastern Kavango have requested government to provide them with new water...
Zimbabwe’s government is crafting a national water policy in response to the fast deteriorating quality of surface and groundwater sources in the country, Water Resources Development and Management Minister Sipepa Nkomo has disclosed. The quality...