The 2015 Two Oceans Marathon marked the ninth year that Plastics|SA was involved in cleaning up the litter from the streets and surrounding countryside left behind by the runners and spectators. According to John Kieser, the coordinator of the...
The City of Cape Town is undertaking a R24 million rehabilitation project at the Strand and Adderley Street intersection this winter. The road surface and base above the Strand and Adderley Street concourse is at least 30 years old and has to be...
The City of Cape Town will be undertaking major roadworks along Camps Bay Drive this winter. The city says the road will be closed for general traffic from Monday 20 April 2015. Camps Bay Drive has not been refurbished for the past 30 years. This...
The Rosendaal human settlements project, situated close to Roosendal High School, formally kicks off the first phase of the Delft integrated housing project which will lead to the eventual construction of 2 407 subsidised housing units in total. “I...