Despite challenges surrounding gas shortages and regulatory uncertainties, South Africa is witnessing a transformative shift towards utilizing compressed natural gas (CNG) for various industrial applications. At the forefront of this revolution is...
In a groundbreaking move towards environmental sustainability, local waste management giant Interwaste, a subsidiary of Séché Environnement Group, has unveiled its pioneering R100-million leachate and effluent treatment plant in Delmas, Mpumalanga....
A large portion of the critical infrastructure on water treatment plants (WTP) and wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) is electrical. What can be done to optimise and prolong the performance of this equipment? “Electrical equipment like pumps,...
Consulting engineering and infrastructure advisory firm – Zutari – played a significant role in organising the 7th WISA Young Water Professionals (YWP) conference in Stellenbosch with over 130 delegates. “Many countries are grappling with problems...