The Department of Water and Sanitation welcomes the arrest of a Director who was found to be double dipping by way of earning a salary from both the Department and the Moses Kotane Local Municipality in the North West Province. This matter came to...
The National Cleaner Production Centre South Africa (NCPC-SA) invites companies interested in improving their resource efficiency and saving money to register their in-house representatives and/or consultants for upcoming NCPC-SA training...
As the world moves towards an international, legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, IUCN and GRID-Arendal have partnered in a new project called AFRIPAC, aimed to empower five (African) nations´ negotiating skills for a strong Global...
As the custodians of quality and technical excellence locally and pan-Africa, the Southern African Institute of Steel Construction (SAISC) has highlighted the trend of the increasing innovative use of steel cladding to enhance the architectural...