A semi solid slurry produced from water treatment, wastewater treatment and onsite sanitation systems, sludge can be both a valuable by-product and a dangerous source of pollution. “Sludge from onsite sanitation is collected from pit latrines,...
The Clear Enviro Loo Backend Sanitation Treatment Plant has achieved good results, following the two-year evaluation and pilot testing of the recycling toilet system in two schools, as well as in an informal housing development. The pilot testing...
Due to the high level of South African representation on the international panel that supported the creation of ISO 30500, we were one of the first countries in the world to identically adopt the standard as SANS 30500 in 2019. However, setting up...
“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” – Desmond Tutu Real and lasting change comes from many different people doing their best to improve the lives...