The Single Electronic Window (SeW) has been in use at Alfandegas in Mozambique since 1 September 2012 and from 1 April this year the Transit and Warehousing Declarations has also been processed through the SeW system. MCNet (the implementing...
Pictured: McCarthy Commercial Vehicles Alrode, was recently named the UD Trucks Dealer of the Year. Here, dealer principal, Fernando de Sousa (middle) is presented with the award by Marle Visagie, senior manager retail development at UD Trucks,...
Members are to take note of the following strike action that may have an indirect effect on the road freight sector: 1. Staff of the NBCRFLI – Employees of the NBCRFLI (Road Freight Bargaining Council) are currently on strike – In terms...
Promoting better coordination among border agencies, introducing mandatory pre-arrival customs declaration forms, and establishing an enabling IT system are some of the steps to take for improving efficiency of border crossing in Africa and for...