Water-IQ is a privately owned company which supplies disinfection and allied equipment to the water, wastewater and swimming pool industry in South Africa. The company has more than 30 years experience in the water industry and in conjunction with...
Degrémont is a world specialist in water treatment plants and makes an important contribution towards sustainable development. The company’s South African operations are headed up by deputy managing director, Dumi Luthuli. According to Luthuli,...
The revised Proposed Basin Plan is the latest step in a policy process that began 20 years ago, when a cap was imposed to stop the unsustainable growth in extractions of water from the Murray-Darling Basin. Before the cap, the capacity of the...
A new water stewardship commitment to set industry standards for water efficiency and make its operations water sustainable is already paying dividends for Coca-Cola Enterprises, with water usage falling while production is increased. The...