waste | Infrastructure news - Part 179

Search results for: waste

IWMSA pays tribute to Dr Edna Molewa

The Institute of Waste Management of Southern Africa (IWMSA) says it was saddened to hear of the death of environmental affairs minister Edna Molewa, noting that she will always be remembered for her efforts in fighting wild life crime. “The IWMSA...

Intelligent chemistry

Odour control has moved from an afterthought to a primary design consideration for most collection and treatment facilities. By Annejan Visser, process engineer at QFS   Intensive urbanisation, incremental population growth, and seasonal...

The rich, the poor and the trash

Inequality is growing. The rich consume much more than the poor and produce much more waste. Trash has become a symbol of our times. But what some people throw away, means money to others and a chance to survive. The amount of waste we generate and...