Infrastructure News - Part 27

[HOT SEAT] Unlocking a sustainable future

As the Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) for the paper and paper packaging sector, Fibre Circle has been at the forefront of implementing the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations. Newly appointed CEO Edith Leeuta talks to...

A review of the YWP Symposium Series

It is often a daunting task to attempt something new and unique. YWP decided to turn the tables on what a conference can and should look like post-pandemic, by having four online symposiums and two in-person events spanning the month of March. A...

Taking baling to new heights

Whether it is going to a landfill or a recycling facility, waste should be compacted for easy handling and efficient transportation. South Africa is quickly running out of landfill airspace, and industry experts have warned that the country is on...


[HOT SEAT] Unlocking a sustainable future

As the Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) for the paper and paper packaging sector, Fibre Circle has been at the forefront of implementing the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations. Newly appointed CEO Edith Leeuta talks to...

Industry News

Metro News

Tshwane winning war on illegal dumping

The chief of Tshwane metro police has issued a directive for officers to crack down on any persons found to be dumping illegally. This comes after Tshwane mayor Randall Williams pleaded with residents to get involved in resolving illegal dumping in...


A time for action

PPC has cautioned against the slow pace of infrastructure development, which could result in more job and value losses for companies in the construction and feeder sectors such as cement and concrete. Njombo Lekula, PPC MD Southern Africa, stresses...

Read our Magazines

Digital Magazines

Water & Sanitation Africa

The official magazine of the Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA), the magazine publishes content dealing with the supply, governance, financing, treatment and measurement of water and sanitation in southern Africa.