water | Infrastructure news - Part 446

Search results for: water

Medupi power station

Medupi unit 5 synchronised to grid

Eskom has synchronised Medupi’s unit 5 to the grid, becoming the second of the power station’s six units to come on stream. This synchronisation adds an additional 800 MW to the grid and it is expected that unit 5 will become commercially...
kid drinkiing from tap image

Tackling the SDGs

Water is central to the achievement of all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Prof. Kevin Urama told those at World Water Week. Urama, who is Senior Advisor to the President of the African Development Bank for Inclusive and Green Growth,...
bucket toilet image

Free State doing away with bucket toilets

Work on the eradication of bucket toilets in the Free State is well underway, reports the Department of Water & Sanitation (DWS). The department has concluded work on building adequate sanitation in the towns of Dealsville, Fouresmith, Boshoff...