Infrastructure News - Part 55

Wired for waste

Christine Beukes, managing director of Oilkol, believes that, while technology is an important factor in building a sustainable future, respect for the environment is truly vital. Collecting, handling, disposing or treating waste has become a...
Leon Basson image

Elster Kent Metering

How does South Africa measure up in terms of water meters installed and technology suited to end use compared to the rest of Africa and other developing nations? LB South Africa is the leader in both meter installation and the use of suited...

Breede-Gouritz CMAs continued success

The Breede Water Management Area is situated in the south-western corner of South Africa. CEO Phakamani Buthelezi speaks about recent developments at the organisation and the way forward in 2014/15. It derives its name from the largest river within...
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Capacity building in Mozambique

Rand Water is testament to the powers of technology transfer and knowledge sharing. As the lar gest water utility in Africa, Rand Water is committed to sustainability of projects through effective and efficient skills transfer. This is evident in...
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Serving the recycling market

Maryke Foulds speaks to Cheri Scholtz of PETCO and Chris Els of Kaytech about ten years of recycling cooperation. Please give me some background on Kaytech and its involvement in the PET recycling industry Kaytech (originally Noel Hunt Geofabrics),...
PPC’s new headquarters image

PPC goes from grey to green

The Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA), an independent, non-profi t company that was formed in 2007 to lead the greening of South Africa’s built environment, has given PPC’s new headquarters a 4-star rating. Located in the middle of the...


How glass recycling can change lives

Glass can be endlessly recycled and change shapes many times, making it a substance of infinite possibilities. South Africans are finding unique ways to build a legacy through glass, from spearheading the recycling industry, building a small...
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Tackling the SDGs

Water is central to the achievement of all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Prof. Kevin Urama told those at World Water Week. Urama, who is Senior Advisor to the President of the African Development Bank for Inclusive and Green Growth,...

New proposed Green Bond & ESG evaluation tools

S&P Global Ratings is seeking market feedback on two proposed evaluation tools intended to assess risks to sustainability at both the individual project and corporate entity levels. The new assessment tools include a new Green Bond Evaluation...

Water has a central role in sustainable development

World Water Week closed on Friday, concluding that water must be recognised as the enabler of successful implementation of the entire 2030 Agenda as well as the Paris Climate Agreement. “Water – the lifeline of our planet – will be needed to...


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Industry News

Metro News


Lionel Moyal

Smart City Vision – the journey has begun

Much has been written over the past couple of years around the topic of ‘Smart Cities’. By Lionel Moyal, Head of Intervate, a T-Systems company The utopian vision of the Smart City often involves carefully orchestrated traffic and public transport...

Getting to know your leachate

Landfill juice. Garbage water. Leachate. Whatever you call it, it can be a problem for landfill operators. Managing leachate can be as high as 30% of a landfill’s operating costs. Before a treatment method can be determined, it’s important to first...

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Water & Sanitation Africa

The official magazine of the Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA), the magazine publishes content dealing with the supply, governance, financing, treatment and measurement of water and sanitation in southern Africa.