water | Infrastructure news - Part 635

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consumerism fuels climate change

Consumerism fuels climate change

By Jeffrey Gogo In Africa one cannot claim that people have enough food to eat because there is not enough food to go around. About 75% of a billion Africans are hungry and living on less than US$2 per day. Several millions more are facing hunger...

SA’s waste management leads in Africa

Photo: Bruce Engelsman, SRK Consulting According to Bruce Engelsman, a partner at consulting engineering firm SRK Consulting, South Africa leads the way in waste management in Africa, but many other countries on the continent are up to speed with...

Kimberley left high and dry

Vital water infrastructure has collapsed leaving tens of thousands of Kimberley people high and dry as the local authority battles to repair ageing pipes and pumps. The crisis started last week when the pipes and pumps at several reservoirs around...