plastic | Infrastructure news - Part 81

Search results for: plastic

Haunting the ocean floor

Ghost fishing is an ever growing danger in our oceans. This occurs when derelict fishing gear that has been discarded, lost, or abandoned, continues to disrupt the natural environment. This gear continues to fish and trap animals, entangle and kill...

Setting sail on the fight against marine pollution

The Race for Water Odyssey (R4WO) reached New York City last week, concluding its Atlantic crossing in a journey that will take its crew over 40 000 nautical miles as they attempt to draw up the first global assessment of plastic pollution in the...

SA Industry & Technology fair (INDUTEC) 2015

Worldwide interest in doing business with Africa has never been so great Demands from both Southern African and International companies for an umbrella event targeting African industry led to the creation of Indutec in 2013. Indutec is a...

Radar saves the day

Sunny Rock Close, a property administered by JH Isaacs Properties, had a leak in a 42mm high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe running beneath the slab of one of the mini-factories on the site. Gauché Gouws, a utility location specialist and leak...
Recovered paper image

Sustainable jobs from paper recycling

The recycling industry has become a significant employer and its potential to deliver economic and social benefits continues to be powerfully demonstrated paper recyclers. Mpact Recycling partners with local entrepreneurs who help to collect...

Conserving Africa’s oceans

The growing amount of litter found in oceans around Africa, the lack of understanding about ways of combating marine debris, and the need for a unified plan to tackle the problem on the continent will be high on the agenda during the forthcoming...