plastic | Infrastructure news - Part 83

Search results for: plastic

Deadline looms for PVC pipe manufacturers

Manufacturers of PVC pipes in South Africa have less than six months left to ensure that their products are compliant with the Southern African Bureau of Standards’ (SABS) ruling that all locally manufactured be free of heavy metals by July 2015....

Recycling Economics: Savings vs Prices

Plastic, paper, and glass waste is packaging waste that is regarded as general waste. It therefore falls under Municipal duties and is disposed of in general landfill site mostly run by Municipalities. Municipal waste is currently the focus of...

Productivity Awards foster employee empowerment

A regional gold trophy and national finalist certificate have been awarded to water reticulation, drainage pipe and fitting systems manufacturer DPI Plastics, at the Productivity SA Awards. The awards aim to promote productivity within South...

New eco-friendly flame retardant to protect buildings

An environmentally sustainable way to render the wood used in construction flame retardant has been developed at a New York University. Guided by Miriam Rafailovich, a professor in the Department of Materials Science at the Stony Brook University,...

Facebook competition educates SA on recycling

We’ve all watched a video on Facebook and shared it with friends but none of us have won a share of R50 000 doing so. This is exactly what happened to nine lucky people who participated in the “A thousand Thank You’s” campaign by Polyco, the...

Ecological disaster prevented off Bluewater Bay

Swift action by members of the South African Plastics Industry and local environmental officials prevented what could have been an environmental disaster last week, after gale-force winds blew 23 containers off a cargo vessel, the Seroya Lima, as...

Food in landfills feeds wastage

Recent legislation promulgated in the United States has put caps in Massachusetts limiting the amount of food that goes to landfill. In South Africa and many other developing countries around the world no such cap exists, although these countries...