Infrastructure News - Part 88

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Industry News

electricity pylons image

Self-generation could help unlock economic recovery

The economy’s descent into recession has added pressure on the government to throw a lifeline to businesses constrained by Eskom’s load shedding. Moody’s has forecast GDP growth of 0.7% in 2020, down from a previous forecast of 1.5% growth, partly...
Airbus freighter

South African freight volumes drop

The Ctrack Freight & Transport Index for February 2020 shows an overall freight volume decline of 4,8% versus the same period a year ago. While substantial, the fall is less than the 5,1% decline in freight volumes reported in January 2020...

Metro News

Stabilising Prasa top of Transport’s agenda

Minister of Transport, Dr Blade Nzimande says his department will intensify its efforts to stabilise the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa. Speaking during his budget vote address Nzimande, noted that governance was a major challenge for most...


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Water & Sanitation Africa

The official magazine of the Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA), the magazine publishes content dealing with the supply, governance, financing, treatment and measurement of water and sanitation in southern Africa.