Cape Town | Infrastructure news - Part 6

Cape Town

Cape Town to implement additional water supply scheme

As the rainy season draws to a close in the Western Cape the much-anticipated relief has not come. Dam levels are just over 37 percent with only 27 percent of that usable. The city of Cape Town will implement its first major additional water supply...

The ‘new normal’ for Cape Town

Earlier this month the City of Cape Town unveiled its Water Resilience Plan to augment the system by up to 500 million litres of water a day over the coming months using groundwater extraction, desalination, and water reuse. The Water Resilience...

Cape Town to reveal Water Resilience Plan

Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille will announce the details of the city’s Water Resilience Plan on 17 August. Dam storage levels are currently at 31.1%, with useable water at approximately 21.1%. Collective consumption for the past week was 610...