featured | Infrastructure news - Part 59


tyre delivery scooter

Two-wheeled tyre deliveries cut delays

Savino Del Bene has embraced a two-wheeled delivery solution as it tries to beat congestion. Before considering a scooter, the company used a bakkie to deliver tyres to key clients, which was frequently plagued by late deliveries. Vespa then...
truck overloading

Importance of overload control

Motorists think of them as places where trucks are weighed. And that is correct, but they do much more at the Traffic Control Centres (TTCs) along the national roads – ensuring the safety of road users through load control and traffic law...
Renewable energy

Smart energy mix key for Africa

Africa has no choice but to move rapidly towards a smart mix of energy systems if it is to grow and prosper in step with the rest of the world, said Jubril Adewale Tinubu, Group Chief Executive for Oando in Nigeria. Speaking at the World Economic...