President Jacob Zuma has announced the establishment of an Inter-Ministerial Service Delivery Task Team. The purpose of the Inter-Ministerial Service Delivery Task Team is to fast-track service delivery in areas where there are bottlenecks, quickly...
Statistician General Pali Lehohla says policies and spend on infrastructure must reflect that more people are living on the fringes of metros. “As far as Gauteng is concerned, that is the Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, the buildings where...
South Africa is facing a sanitation crisis aggravated by rapid urbanisation, a world toilet summit has heard. The chairwoman of Parliament’s human settlements portfolio committee, Beauty Dambuza, said last Tuesday there were huge disparities...
Consulting Engineers South Africa (CESA) president Naren Bhojaram made a clarion call for the ‘reincarnation of the municipal engineer’ at the 76th annual conference of the Institute of Municipal Engineering of Southern Africa (IMESA), held last...
Municipalities have a bad name in business, but choose the right one and you’re set. Doing business with local government can either be excellent or dreadful for your company’s cashflow – depending on where in the country you are...