SAA | Infrastructure news


SAA plane

There are no plans to privatise SAA – Jarana

South African Airways (SAA) CEO, Vuyani Jarana, says there are no plans to privatise the airline. He was replying to a question on the issue posed to him at the 2018 Southern African Transport Conference (SATC) currently underway at the CSIR...
SAA plane

SAA secures another R5bn from government

CEO of South African Airways, Vuyani Jarana, says the national carrier has managed to secure another R5 billion cash injection from government to help meet urgent financial obligations. The promise of more money from government comes after Jarana...
SAA plane

Scopa reveals SAA is in dire straits

South African Airways (SAA) is in discussions with treasury for another cash injection of approximately R5 billion for the 2018/19 financial year. This emerged from submissions by SAA CEO Vuyani Jarana at a meeting of Parliament’s standing...
SAA plane

SAA on track for a turnaround

South African Airways CEO Vuyani Jarana says the majority of the national carrier’s operations are sound and the airline is on track for a turnaround. According to Jarana the board has developed and approved a clear strategy and five-year plan to...
SAA plane

SAA reduces number of flights to the UK

South African Airways (SAA) has taken the decision to cut down on the number of daily flights from Johannesburg to London from April 2018. The national carrier will be replacing the double daily service operating on the United Kingdom route with a...

Ramaphosa looks to SOEs to stabilise the economy

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa says South Africa’s economy can only stabilise if there is stability in the country’s State-Owned Enterprises (SOE). This comes in the wake of numerous claims of financial mismanagement and concerns over governance...
SAA plane

SAA still within National Treasury’s portfolio

Government says it has not taken a decision to move South African Airways (SAA) out of the National Treasury to the Department of Transport. The Presidency says it has noted media reports suggesting that government had taken a decision to move the...