waste to energy | Infrastructure news - Part 2

waste to energy

Cleantech-SA image

SME Cleantech Innovation Programme launched

The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP) for SMEs is a global initiative which promotes clean technology innovation and supporting SMEs and start-ups. GCIP was first implemented in South Africa in 2011 and now has ongoing activities in...

Durban does green buildings, too

eThekweni Municipality is synonymous with its Marianhill Landfill waste to energy programme. But the City of Durban should also be credited for its sustainable development, and is particularly proud of its Water and Sanitation Customer Service...
WasteCon 2012 image

Announcing WasteCon 2014

Call for papers The majestic Lord Charles Hotel, in the Western Cape, South Africa, will play host to the Institute of Waste Management of Southern Africa’s (IWMSA) much anticipated and highly influential WasteCon 2014 Conference from 6 to 10...
Solar panels image

Less smoke, more mirrors

For African countries, solar power is the solution to coal-based electricity supply – but this is easier said than done! Where does Africa really stand on solar power, and is our current coal supply dwindling? A shocking estimate of 1.5 billion...

Sugar cane in tyre production

“If we could switch the tyres on the world’s cars overnight to the best materials that are currently available, this alone would save up to 20 billion litres of fuel annually, reducing CO₂ emissions by 50 million metric tons a year.” Dr Axel...